Showing 6 Result(s)

What’s it like speaking at Write The Docs?

I recently shared my recap of my experience as a first-time attendee of Write The Docs Australia 2023. Spoiler alert: it was a great time all around, especially learning how to do Tim Tam slams. This was also my first time speaking at a conference. In this post, I’ll share my experience as a first-time …

Recap: Write The Docs Australia 2023

01/24/24 Update: Now that all the talks have been uploaded to YouTube, I’ve added links to highlighted talks in each section below! A few weeks ago, I flew to Melbourne to speak at Write The Docs Australia. I enjoyed meeting fellow documentarians on the other side of the world, gave my first-ever main stage conference …

Risk analysis for docs

When you have a large body of documentation, it’s impossible to keep all of your docs up-to-date. When you’re deciding which docs to prioritize updating, it’s common to focus on the most-viewed docs: they usually correspond to your most popular features, account for the most traffic, and may also be the most-viewed docs by new …

Docs “table setting” week

An ongoing struggle for me is making time for work that is not urgent, but is important. This includes maintenance tasks that make my job easier, strategy work that help my team maintain our vision, professional development todos (such as writing blog posts like this!) and more. In this post, I’ll chronicle how I tried …

Tips for new team leads

After 5+ years working as a solo docs writer, I recently spent 8 months as a team lead before being promoted to manager. Though I was only leading one person, the challenge of scaling our docs processes from being suited to a solo docs writer to working for a team – and of balancing continued …